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PEDIGREE Dry Puppy Food is a complete and balanced dog food for puppies with wholesome essential nutrients vital to the healthy growth of your pet. PEDIGREE with the goodness of cereals, chicken and milk blends into a tasty and healthy puppy food for your little one.

With PEDIGREE dry food for puppies, you are sure to see the 5 Signs of good health in your pet if you feed him as per the given feeding guidelines. These signs include improved natural defence (from Vitamins (Vit E) and Minerals); Strong Muscles (from Protein); Optimal Digestion of Nutrients; Strong Bones and Teeth (from Ca:P ratio & levels); Healthy Skin and Coat (from blend of Zinc and Omega Fatty Acids).

At Pedigree, recipes are developed based on research from the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition. Every product from PEDIGREE surpasses the requirements laid down by NRC 2006 of the U.S. National Academy of Science.

Key Features:

Complete & balanced puppy dog food, a perfect food for a puppy.
Contains 24% crude Protein, 10% crude Fat, and 5% crude Fibre. Suitable For: New Born
Provides strong muscles, bones & teeth and healthier & shinier coat.
Dog food that also ensures optimal digestion of nutrients and supports Natural Defences.
Provides dogs the 5 Signs of Good Health – a PEDIGREE assurance!
Puppies need 24x Protein, 9.5x Calcium & 53x Iron B12 than human babies, an ideal treat.
Developed by experts at the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition
Ideal for pups of all breeds and sizes.
Pedigree Chicken Chunks in Gravy Pouch Puppy Wet Food

Pedigree Puppy Wet Dog Food, Chicken Chunks is a nutritious and balanced food for your puppy. Made with high quality ingredients, Pedigree dog food provides them 5 signs of good health – healthy skin and coat, strong bones and teeth, healthy digestive system, strong muscles and stronger immune system. Containing a higher moisture content, Pedigree gravy food pouches are especially required for the hot season as they help keep your little pooch hydrated and therefore, energetic, ideal to give as festive food for dogs. This treat can be mixed with any meal – Pedigree dry food or home cooked food – to enhance taste and improve moisture-content. The tempting aroma and flavour of wet for dog is also effective in attracting fussy eaters into eating their meal.

The entire Pedigree Dog food range is formulated by research done by the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, a leading scientific authority in pet nutrition and well-being for over 50 years. Everything we do at Pedigree is for the love of dogs because dogs bring out the good in us and Pedigree Pet food brings out the good in them.

Key Features:

100% complete and balanced chicken and vegetable food for puppies
Offers the essential nutrition required to keep your pet happy and healthy
Contains linoleic acid (Omega 6) and zinc for healthy skin and coat
Has high quality digestible animal protein from meat and cereals
Excellent digestibility with around 85% fibre for healthy bowel movement
Optimal calcium levels and right ratio for Ca:P
Provides taurine and vitamin E which help strengthen the immune system
Greater variety of flavor, texture and taste
Increased water content in food
Tempting aromas and flavors for fussy eaters
Developed by the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition
[*Feeding 25% of the daily calories as gravy may reduce the risk of stone formation in small breed dogs]


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